I was given this product to review in exchange for my honest opinion.
When I first tried the serum it felt very watery. My face didn't feel extremely moisturized, but it did feel refreshed and tightened. I still did need to apply an extra moisturizer though.

My fiancee on the other hand thought it was refreshing and in his own words said "it left my face feeling supple and refreshed". He especially liked using it after shaving.
My mom also tried it and liked how fresh it made her skin feel after washing her face.
It's a good serum to use before applying a night cream, being that it's so light weight and it's main use seems to be to tighten and tone, rather than take the place of a heavy duty moisture cream.
I would recommend it for that purpose.
You can find Adeline products at http://adelineskincare.com/
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