Rose Geranium Essential Oil 10 ml

Rose Geranium Essential Oil 10 ml
100% Pure, Undiluted, Natural & Therapeutic Grade for Aromatherapy, Skin, and Relaxation

by Gya Labs

This essential oil is true to its title. The rose scent is very strong straight out of the bottle. It reminds me of the Sara Michaels line of rose products. 

You can use this in a diffuser or with any carrier oil. There are recipes online for natural deodorants, lotions, facials toners, and more. This would be an excellent oil to add for its antioxidant properties and for its floral scent. 

Just make sure to check online on what scent combinations will work well with the rose oil before mixing in other essential oils.

The scent sort of takes me to an old school renaissance period. It's the type of delicate rose essence that just seems to transport you to a classic period. 

While I was at the renaissance fair, they sold plastic and foil made roses, which had a rose scent identical to this oil. Perhaps that could be another handy use, you can make your own roses (or anything you'd want to give off a continuous scent) or you can use the oil straight up (non-diluted) to refresh your rose souvenir. 

Thanks to this oil, I'm going to buy one of those metal roses at the next renaissance fair for sure! 


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