Blackhead Vacuum Remover
#Ettyx Multi-Functional Facial Skin Care Device
This is a super strong pore vacuum, exfoliator, blackhead remover, pimple extractor, with light therapy and wide range suction intensity adapters for gentle skin treatment. WOW, that's a mouth full, but it's also a one-sentence summary of the power and functionality of this slimline device.
My experience with this device has been half good, half not so good.

The good- On my fiance, it did extract the blackhead far better than any other pore extractor I've tried, but I think I placed it too long on his back and it did look like it pulled so much that tiny droplets of blood came out.
The not so good- It didn't work on me like it did on my fiance. No matter which attachment I used there was no effect on my pores. :-(
It comes with a filter and gasket preinstalled, the adapters with the smaller opening are for a lighter suction and the larger openings are for stronger suction power.
I really wish there was a more descriptive manual that fully detailed how to fully use every part of the device and its accessories.
Received at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
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